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傲宇酒洲 2012-5-6 10:42
你好  你的空间内容很丰富!
卓畅 2012-4-6 16:50
严志钟 2011-3-2 11:55
环保水晶餐具 2011-2-18 19:15
尊敬各位老师和营销人才和高手你们好;我们塑料高分子技术团队研发国内最先进用热成型工艺配方技术生产的优质航空水晶餐具产品,我们研发的技术生产产品具有生产成本低,环保型,,品质优质,透明度高达90%以上,不是水晶胜是水晶,不会破碎破裂,能耐高温抗破裂,十分洁净,是现代人十分需要环保型餐具,因我们是搞技术的,不懂得如何能把这样好的产品营销出去,十分希望各位优秀老师和营销人才帮助指教开展有较的营销,我们十分愿意与每一位营销人士和团队友好长期合作,谢谢大家; 技术服务热线:15811662362;;QQ;1667380951,QQ;1078640170《我们采用食品级高透明PS环保材料生产全套只要成本在O。32元以内,四件套;有杯子,碗,盘子,塑 料  匙。
兆基 2010-10-16 11:15
市场营销协会 2010-9-10 10:57
您好,非常想邀请您来我校做演讲,不知您是否有意向。可以联系我:15994226864    QQ:673692700
温龙 2010-9-3 15:51
张宇金 2010-7-9 10:56
Hello, Mr Rees, sorry to write this letter to you, for your work and life I don't understand, but I can see that you are a very wise about what a leader. I am a graduate of college students, the school has worked during the year, so I always after graduation than other friends to go ahead. But for you, I like winners on just a little girl. The sinicization of marketing and sales for means, you know. I want to ask you for sale abroad, and what is so-called sales strategy. hehe, hoping to hear your guidance to.thanks
江浩163 2009-11-8 15:32
王玉香 2009-10-14 02:49

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