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王狄凡文化创意空间站 https://www.cmmo.cn/?81276 [收藏] [复制] [RSS] 留一块芳草地,宁静心的空间;留一片佛净土,清除尘的垢埃;留一份相惜缘,绘出洁净的蓝天。(且行且珍惜)。


The Knowledge is exploding.

热度 1已有 77822 次阅读2012-8-6 22:29 |个人分类:New thoughts|系统分类:营销人生

With the development of the Science and Technology, we all know something important and curious to go to our daily life. We must achieve a lot of skills and tools .oh, I'm getting behind the times. I find something different to need different methods at once.

We are facing invisible pressure and doing the right things in time. Don’t kill the time. We never know the worth of till the well is dry. Why do we be difficult to survive? If you know the times changing, you could work hard at your fields interesting. We must do our best to study and work and discover something interesting. That is our duties. The Knowledge is exploding. It’s really thing. I mean what I say. What shall we do? Which is the way to the future?

Way to go! That’s a good idea.






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回复 亓齐 2012-8-9 07:24
No work hard,but choosing.


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