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王狄凡文化创意空间站 https://www.cmmo.cn/?81276 [收藏] [复制] [RSS] 留一块芳草地,宁静心的空间;留一片佛净土,清除尘的垢埃;留一份相惜缘,绘出洁净的蓝天。(且行且珍惜)。


Don't be afraid! The world is updating.

热度 2已有 103073 次阅读2012-7-9 22:42 |个人分类:New thoughts|系统分类:营销实战|

Don't be afraid! The world is updating.Let's think the lasting answer.ok. It's enough.That's what we must stand in aline together and make a big plan which we will be doing in the future.The president of united states has known it.
let's wait for it.Can you guess it?oh,Human Being create everything,but at the same time everything is changing the future lifestyle.Next,what shall we do? The Great Man discover it.
Your majesty!My Great Britain's Queen.The opening ceremony of the 30th Olympiad is helding in Big London. congratulations!Here we are going to see something fresh and natural.Oh,we will find a new road to lead to good future.Let's wait for this nice day.Do remember,we are the world,we are the childern.we are the future.





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回复 formchan 2012-7-9 23:11
回复 亓齐 2012-7-10 14:26
what is the lasting answer?


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